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Beginning Teachers Mentors

Extracurricular Duties Policy

This is a PDF file containing the Extracurricluar Duties Policy for beginning  teachers.

Extracurricular Duties Request Form

This is a PDF file containing the Alleghany County Schools Extracurricular Duities Request Form for mentors, beginning teachers and principals to sign.  Signed forms are sent to Central Office to the BT Coordinator by the end of August. 

Mentor/BT Observation Documentation

This is a PDF file containing a chart to be completed by mentors. This chart serves as documentation of beginning teachers classroom observations of other teachers. Due to BT Coordinator by the first Friday of May.

Mentor Forms

This is a PDF file containg the following mentor and beginning teacher forms:

1. Mentor and BT Agreement Form- due August 31st

2. Mentor Self-Assessment- due August 31st

3. First Mentor/BT Report- due November 4th

4. Second Mentor/BT Report- due January 13th

5. Third Mentor/BT Report- due March 17th

6. Fourth Mentor/BT Report- due May 12th

North Carolina Mentor Standards Overview

This is a PDF of the North Carolina Mentor Standards Overview of the five standards:

Standard 1: Mentors Support Beginning Teachers to Demonstate Leadership

Standard 2: Mentors Support Beginning Teachers to Establish a Respectful Environment for a Diverse Population of Students

Standard 3: Mentors Support Beginning Teachers to Know the Content They Teach

Standard 4: Mentors Support Beginning Teachers to Facilitate Learning for Their Students

Standard 5: Mentors Suppport Beginning Teachers to Reflect on Their Pracitce