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MTSS-Promoting School Improvement for ALL Students

NC MTSS is a multi-tiered framework, which promotes school improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices. NC MTSS employs a systems approach using data-driven problem solving to maximize growth for all.

Tiered Support


Tier I:  Differentiated Core

Instruction that includes general academic, behavioral and social-emotional instruction and support designed and differentiated for ALL students.  In a healthy Core, 80% of students meet and/or exceed state and locally developed standards with Core instruction alone.

Tier II:  Supplemental Instruction Support

Instruction includes evidence-based programs and practices to supplement/improve student performance in Core.  In a healthy system, approximately 15-20% of students need supplemental support in addition to Core/Tier I instruction.

Tier III:  Intensive Instruction

Instruction includes evidence-based programs and practices to supplement/improve student performance in Core.  In a healthy system, approximately 5% of students need intensive support in addition to Core/Tier I and Supplemental/Tier II.

Throughout tiered instruction (Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III) the following guidelines MUST be followed:

  • The problem-solving team must consider whether the student’s lack of progress is the result of a suspected disability. If a disability is suspected, the student must be referred to the IEP Team and interventions must continue concurrently while the issue of a suspected disability is resolved.
  • A parent has the right to request, in writing, an evaluation for special education at any time. If the parent makes this request, the student must be referred to the IEP Team while interventions continue.
  • Parents must be notified, in writing, regarding the student’s response to intervention at each level (tier). The “Parent Notification of Intervention” must be used, and a copy retained in the student’s cumulative file.


The Six Critical Components of MTSS




Building Capacity


Leadership Building Capacity                     

Communication and Collaboration


Data-Based Problem Solving


Communication  Data-Based


Collaboration  Problem Solving



3 Tiers



Three-Tiered Data Evaluation

Instructional Model

Important Definitions


Problem Solving Team


IEP Team


Required Procedures


Problem solving procedures






Child Find



Important Links

iReady Login

SLD Policy Change

MTSS & Students with Disabilities

MTSS LiveBinder


Parent Links


NC Policies Governing Children with Disabilities

Misty McKnight
District MTSS Coordinator