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Special Education & Related Services

Alleghany County Schools provides special education and related services for eligible children, ages 3 to 21. Services are based on individual student need and present levels of performance. Services are provided through the Individual Education Program (IEP) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). ACS offers successful services and programs throughout the full continuum and across settings. IEP services are integrated with an emphasis on cooperative planning and intervention, research-based instructional practices and strategies, access to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, collaboration with general education and parents to assure all students with IEPs are entitled to a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

The philosophy of the Alleghany County Exceptional Children Program is based on the following principles:

  • All students can learn and have the right to an educational program that is designed to meet his/her individual needs. All students are to be provided appropriate opportunities for growth in the cognitive, affective and social domains.
  • Each student is an individual of equal value and should be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of disabling condition.
  • All students have a right to an educational experience that will allow him/her to become independent and contributing members of society.

In order to fulfill this philosophy, members of the Alleghany County Schools Exceptional Children Program seek to consistently:

  • Identify the needs of each student with a disability and to develop an Individualized Education Program to meet those needs.
  • Assure that students with disabilities are educated in settings with their non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate.
  • Be cognizant of and protect the rights of students with disabilities and their parents in developing programs and services to meet their needs.
  • Hold special education services to high standards of accountability to improve results for students with disabilities.
  • Provide training and support for all educators to have the knowledge and skills which enables them to effectively assist students with disabilities in attaining high standards.

Melissa Fitzgerald
Director of Student Support Services
85 Peachtree Street
Sparta, NC 28675
Twitter: @ACS_sped
Phone: 336-372-4345
Cell: 336-657-0713
Fax: 336-372-4204