Frequently Asked Questions
How is Title I Eligibility Determined?
Each school's percentages of Direct Certification (DC) students under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program are used as the criteria of eligibility for receiving Title I funds.
Two Types of Eligibility:
- Targeted Assisted- May serve only students who have the greatest need for academic assistance as determined by multiple criteria
- Schoolwide- May serve all students within in the school; may upgrade the operation of the entire school
Targeted Assisted vs. Schoolwide:
- In order to qualify as a targeted assisted school, the school's CEP percentage must be at least 35%
- In order to qualify for schoolwide status, at least 40% of the school's total enrollment must qualify for Direct Certification
Flexible Use of Funds:
Schools that qualify for schoolwide status may use their funds to pay for educational programs that will benefit the entire school population which includes:
- At-Risk
- Academically Gifted
- Exceptional Children
- English Language Learners
What Kinds of Services?
- Additional teachers to reduce class size
- Instructional Specialist
- Tutoring
- Teacher assistants and other support staff
- Purchase of materials, supplies, and or equipment
- Professional development for teachers and staff
- Workshops and parental involvement activities for parents